At Cohen|Black Law, we assist our construction and design professional clients with disputes about improvements being made to land, and we represent our real estate clients in disputes about the land itself, including title to it. Our clients range from individuals, professional practices, sureties, municipalities, large corporations, franchisees, and small businesses.
We are retained by general and prime contractors, subcontractors, and supply vendors to assist in pursuing lien claims and breach of contract actions so that they can get paid for work performed. We also defend these construction professionals and bond sureties in mechanic’s lien litigation. Our professional liability practice intersects with our construction practice: we represent design professionals including architects and engineers in collection matters, breach of contract, mechanic’s liens, and construction defect and design litigation where their reputation, professional expertise, and integrity are put at issue.
Our real estate clients include individuals and corporation looking for creative resolution to real property disputes. We tailor our approach to ensure we are pursuing cost-effective resolution options, including cooperative solutions through negotiation or mediation, crafting persuasive demand letters, and initiating or defending against litigated claims.

At Cohen|Black Law, our focus is on protecting professionals, their practices, and their reputations. We represent various professional service firms and individuals against malpractice claims, in regulatory investigations and proceedings, before licensing boards, and in similar venues.
Cohen|Black attorneys are counselors and litigators: our focus is on early evaluation of claims, efficient resolution of litigation, and implementing loss prevention strategies with our clients so that after a claim is resolved, they may reduce the risk that another will occur. Our attorneys evaluate each claim with sensitivity toward issues of confidentiality and the impact the claim has on our client’s professional reputation, livelihood, and ongoing practice. At Cohen|Black, we understand that professionals are hired for their knowledge and expertise, and we welcome our clients to work closely with us as we develop litigation and trial strategies, and a resolution plan.
Our real estate clients include individuals and corporation looking for creative resolution to real property disputes. We tailor our approach to ensure we are pursuing cost-effective resolution options, including cooperative solutions through negotiation or mediation, crafting persuasive demand letters, and initiating or defending against litigated claims.
Cohen|Black attorneys have experience representing individuals and businesses in the following types of real estate and construction disputes:
- Title, quiet title, and lien disputes
- Easement, access, and boundary disputes
- Purchase and sale agreement disputes
- Commercial landlord/tenant disputes, including lease interpretation
- Guaranty agreements
- Forcible entry and unlawful detainer
- Condemnation and eminent domain
- Section 1983 takings claims
- General contractor/subcontractor disputes
- Mechanics liens
- Civil theft, wrongful trust disbursement, and fraud claims
- Surety bond defense
- Construction defect defense